EMS Training - Electrical Muscle Stimulation
時下流行健身,大家齊齊消脂、增肌、練馬甲線。但工作始終繁重,放工後未必有時間去健身房運動。電刺激肌肉訓練(EMS Training)就非常適合大家,這項運動不受場地及輪候設備所限,而且訓練時間相對較短,能瞬間「爆汗」,達到時間之槓桿作用,短時間內消脂及訓練肌肉極速達到瘦身及增肌的效果。
Fitness has become a popular trend these days, with everyone working towards fat loss, muscle building, and getting that six-pack. However, with the busy work schedule, it may not always be possible to find the time to go to the gym after work. This is where EMS Training becomes very suitable for everyone. This exercise is not limited by location or equipment, and the training time is relatively short, allowing you to "sweat profusely" in a short amount of time, leveraging your time efficiently. It can achieve the effects of fat loss and muscle building in a short period.
什麼是 EMS Training?
What is EMS Training?
EMS Training已經成為時下最流行的減肥方法之一。早系歐美更屬於頂流的不二訓練之選。如Victoria Secret Model's, 百米飛人 Usain Bolt 等等。
EMS (Electric Muscle Stimulation) 中文是「電刺激肌肉訓練」,是一項結合了高強度訓練及間歇訓練的運動。EMS是透過短時間內以90%的個人體能極限持續做高消耗的運動,再配合10秒短暫的歇息來增加對氧氣的需要,因而降低身體的脂肪率。EMS能夠快速消耗卡路里,達至瘦身及訓練肌肉的效果。而且沒有時間、器械輪侯的限制,特別適合香港人的生活習慣及環境。
EMS Training has become one of the most popular weight loss methods these days. It has long been a top choice for training among the elites in Europe and the US, such as Victoria's Secret Models and 100m sprinter Usain Bolt.
EMS (Electric Muscle Stimulation) is a form of exercise that combines high-intensity training and interval training. EMS involves performing high-intensity exercises that consume up to 90% of one's personal physical capacity for a short duration, followed by a 10-second rest period to increase the body's oxygen demand, thereby reducing the body's fat percentage. EMS can quickly burn calories and achieve the effects of weight loss and muscle training. Moreover, it is not limited by time or equipment, making it particularly suitable for the lifestyle and environment of Hong Kong people.
EMS Training有什麼好處?
What are the benefits of EMS Training?
- 由於電流啟動體內之運動神經單元,促使肌肉作相互對抗,不存在傳統運動對于特定部位所要求之技術含量般高。
Since the electric current activates the motor units within the body, it causes the muscles to contract against each other, without the high technical requirements of specific body parts as in traditional exercises.
- 高強度訓練可燃燒更多卡路里,同時提升心肺功能,促進腎上腺素分泌。
High-intensity training can burn more calories, while also improving cardiovascular function and promoting the release of adrenaline.
- 燃燒脂肪效率高,節省訓練時間。
It has a high fat-burning efficiency and saves training time.
- 消脂但不消肌,高強度訓練可強化全身的肌肉,增加個人體能及耐力,加快身陳代謝。
It burns fat without losing muscle mass; high-intensity training can strengthen the entire body's muscles, improve personal physical capacity and endurance, and accelerate the body's metabolism.
- 與傳統健身比較,沒有器材和輪後的限制,可隨時隨地開始訓練。
Compared to traditional fitness, there is no equipment or waiting limitation, so you can start training anytime, anywhere.
- 應用於肌肉忽力,受痛症困擾人士尤其適合,有助其懂得肌肉感應,防止肌肉萎縮。
It is particularly suitable for people suffering from muscle weakness or pain, as it helps them regain muscle awareness and prevent muscle atrophy.
- EMS可提升「後燃效應」 ( after-burn effect ),運動後仍可持續消脂長達96小時,故此一星期宜鍛練不多於2次。
EMS can enhance the "after-burn effect", where fat continues to be burned for up to 96 hours after the workout, so it is recommended to train no more than 2 times per week.
- 特別一點,對于預防因負重訓練產生關節及周期性負荷特別「友好」( joint-friendly ),且降低罹患慢性疾病,改善血管健康、膽固醇及胰島素的敏感度,同時有助對抗二型糖尿病。
Notably, it is "joint-friendly" compared to weight training, and can reduce the risk of chronic diseases, improve vascular health, cholesterol, and insulin sensitivity, as well as help combat type 2 diabetes.
EMS Personal Training Workout Routine
EMS training follows a "workout-rest" cycle. During EMS training, the heart rate should be maintained at 70-90% of the individual's maximum heart rate, while during rest periods, it should be 60-65%. EMS training should be done only 2 times per week. A 10-minute warm-up is required before each training session. For beginners and intermediates, each training session lasts about 20-30 minutes. Each exercise set lasts 30 seconds, followed by a rest period of less than 10 seconds.
4 EMS Exercises for Beginner

1. 低至高拉力帶側身下蹲 Side Lunge with Resistance Band
- 步驟1:身體挺胸收腹,眼望腳跟後方同時下蹲,膝蓋彎曲90度,並雙手緊握拉力帶/健身球,此時身體兩則感到拉力。
Step 1: Stand upright, chest up and abs engaged, eyes focused behind your heels, while squatting down with knees bent at 90 degrees, and holding a resistance band/fitness ball, feeling the tension on both sides of your body.
- 步驟2:站立時,以較快速進行,雙手重身體一則向上提起,目標位置於身體正前方,眼水平以上。
Step 2: Stand up, quickly pulling your hands upwards in front of your body, aiming your eyes above the horizon.

2. 啞鈴單手直臂深蹲 Single-Arm Dumbbell Goblet Squat
- 步驟1:身體挺胸收腹,眼望前後方同時下蹲,膝蓋彎曲90度,並以單手直臂提起啞。
Step 1: Stand upright, chest up and abs engaged, eyes focused forward and backwards, while squatting down with knees bent at 90 degrees, holding a dumbbell with one arm extended.
- 步驟2:站立時,維持挺胸收腹,膝蓋蹬直。以數拍子“1001”控制地重復步驟1下降。
Step 2: Stand up, maintaining chest up and abs engaged, straightening your knees. Control the movement by counting "1001" on the descent.

3. 平板支撐 Plank
- 步驟1:身體俯身向下,手臂屈曲90度,後腳尖支撐,此時收平腹部並提起,維持腰椎自然弧度。
Step 1: Lower your body into a push-up position, with your arms bent at 90 degrees, balancing on your toes, while engaging your core and maintaining a neutral spine.
- 步驟2:靜止維持六十秒,期間呼吸維持暢順。
Step 2: Hold this position for 60 seconds, breathing steadily.

4. 單臂平板支撐 Single-Arm Plank
- 步驟1:身體俯身向下,手臂屈曲90度,後腳尖支撐,此時收平腹部並提起,維持腰椎自然弧度。
Step 1: Lower your body into a push-up position, with your arms bent at 90 degrees, balancing on your toes, while engaging your core and maintaining a neutral spine.
- 步驟2:向頭部前方伸出單手,靜止維持三十秒,期間呼吸維持暢順。
Step 2: Extend one arm towards the front, holding this position for 30 seconds, breathing steadily.
如想了解更多或親身嘗試, 歡迎聯絡TX Club安排。
For more information, please contact TX Club to schedule a trial session.